Missing karate

This homeschooler has been missing quite a lot of karate hours these past weeks. We were not able to maximize last month’s tuition. We did not forsee him missing half of the classes we paid for. In the karate class he is currently enrolled in, we always pay in advance. He was only able to attend 6 times. Reason for absence: Fever. He’s had fever twice in the last four weeks. It’s weird and bothersome at the same time.

This homeschooler was never sickly since he was a baby. So this really concerned my husband and me. This is also why we got him immunized with flu vaccine yesterday. He breezed through it. The last time he had it was in 2009 and he was practically fever free the whole year round. Next week, he will be due for his meninggo vaccine. He confessed that he is already missing his karate class.

Meanwhile, he is getting his bike conditioned, especially now that we’re soon to get yakima bike racks. Biking together is something we all look forward to doing very soon. It’s his long delayed prize for the yellow belt rank he was awarded with last March.

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