Our first couple of weeks in Grade 1

Our family loves the well designed program of the curriculum that we are using from School of Tomorrow. We are currently on our First Year of Grade School and I love the independence it teaches our son. He religiously writes down his own goals for each day and makes every effort to finish as planned.

Jed finished 5 PACES on our first week. One for each subject. As for Word Building, he finished the subject in Preschool. He does not have a Literature subject yet. So both are left blank

We just started Monday of last week and we are already done with one PACE for each subject. He has 5 subjects for this school year, namely: Math, English, Social Studies, Science and Alpabetong Filipino. He is officially done with 6 PACES as of this writing. At the rate we are going, we might just be done with his first grade in three months and will be Grade 2 in no time. He will still be five years old by then. But should turn 6 in a few.

He works on his own, for the most part. The instructions are written clearly on the PACES and everything he needs is within his reach (Math kit, supplies, et.al). He calls me by using the flags (Philippine Flag and Christian Flag) on his school office to do that. Which I will write about soon. He calls me to check his test. But he also gets to score his own PACES.

Although he can practically do everything on his own, I still have to be here to guide him. We are spending more hours in school than we did when he was still in Preschool. Up to 3 PM sometimes. I could actually make use of exam tables right here beside his office. Sitting for a good number of hours can be tiring. But the good thing about this kind of homeschool curriculum is I can squeeze in some online tasks when my son does not need me to look over and check his work. 🙂

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